MultiPhone PAP3400 DUO
You can tap to select all the text you have entered.
Use widgets
Widgets put at-a-glance important information and media content up front on your Home screen.
Some widgets are already added to your Home screen for your convenience. You can add more
from the available selections of widgets.
Add a widget to the Home screen
1. On home screen, tap
to open the list menu.
2. Tap
to open widgets list.
3. Scroll left or right on the widgets panel.
4. Tap and hold the desired widgets to add it to the home screen.
Some widgets connect to web services. Using a web-based widget may result in additional
The widgets available may vary depending on the region or service provider.
System upgrade
Your phone can check and notify you if there’s a new upgrade available. You can also manually
check if there's an available update.
You can set this option in
About phone
System updates
Do not press any buttons while the device is upgrading.