Pancakes and French toast can be baked directly in the skillet without the cover. Upside-down-cakes can be baked
directly in the skillet with the cover on. Also, cake batters can be placed in baking pans and placed on a rack in the skillet
and baked with the cover in place. Because the top of a cake will not brown, don’t judge doneness by the color. Instead use
another method specified in your recipe, such as using a toothpick or pushing down in the center to determine when the
food is done. To compensate for the lack of browning on top of baked goods, cover them with glazes, toppings, or frosting.
The benefit of this method is its speed and the resulting flavor of the food. during stir-frying, food is con-
tinually tossed or stirred to ensure the food is evenly exposed to heat. This skillet works well for stir frying because it has a
fast and hot preheat and good heat retention. Stir-frying is best accomplished at 350° to 400°.
Care and Cleaning
Before initial use and after each subsequent use, wash skillet in hot, soapy water and rinse and dry thoroughly, or wash skillet
in an automatic dishwasher. Wipe Control Master
heat control with a damp cloth. dO nOT iMMerse heAT cOnTrOl
in WATer Or leT iT cOMe in cOnTAcT WiTh Any liQuid.
If you choose to wash the skillet in a dishwasher,
the aluminum bottom of the skillet will likely discolor due to the caustic nature of the dishwashing detergent.
Food residue may be removed from skillet by scrubbing in a circular motion with a nylon mesh cleaning pad, such as Scotch-
Brite* Multi-Purpose Scrub Sponge, or a stainless steel scouring pad.
Helpful Hint:
For quick, effective and easy cleaning that virtually eliminates scrubbing, use the following method: Pour
enough water into the emptied skillet to cover food residue. Cover and turn Control Master
heat control to 250°. Bring water
to a boil and while water is boiling, scrape the skillet with a wooden or plastic spatula until the food is loosened. Remove
heat control and wash skillet in hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
If the cooking surface has mottling, stubborn, brown or tacky food residue, or if the skillet has developed straw colored or
rainbow discoloration as a result of prolonged exposure to high heat, use a powdered cleanser without chlorine or bleach,
such as Bar Keepers Friend* cleanser and polish or Cameo* copper, brass, & porcelain cleaner. Moisten the skillet with wa-
ter. shake a film of cleaner over the cooking surface. using a nylon mesh cleaning pad such as scotch-Brite* Multi-purpose
Scrub Sponge*, scrub the skillet in a circular motion. Wash the skillet in hot, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. The
FOllOWing cAn cAuse sTAinless sTeel TO piT Or cOrrOde: sTeel WOOl, Oven cleAnsers, And
cleAnsers cOnTAining BleAch Or chlOrine, such As cOMeT* And AjAx*. dO nOT use TheM.
To maintain the high quality appearance of stainless steel appliances, avoid using metal utensils in them. In addition, avoid
cutting or chopping food in the appliance with a knife or other sharp utensil. To avoid pitting or creating white dots on the
cooking surface, bring liquids to a boil before adding salt. Stir thoroughly.
periodically check the screw attaching the base for looseness. retighten, if necessary, with a phillips screwdriver. cAuTiOn:
Overtightening can result in stripping of the screw or cracking of the base and the supporting spacer.
To ensure continued accuracy of the Control Master
heat control, avoid rough handling in use and storage.
Do not overheat or allow the skillet to boil dry as this will cause the skillet to discolor.
Glass Cover Care and Use Instructions
Caution: Your glass cover may break for no apparent reason if you fail to follow these instructions. Broken glass can
cause personal or property damage.
Do not use cover if it is chipped or cracked. Handle cover carefully and avoid rough handling.
Do not handle hot cover with wet towel or place hot cover on a cold or wet surface. Sudden, extreme changes in temperature
may cause glass to break. Allow cover to cool before washing. This cover is dishwasher safe. Keep the cover clean. Do not
use steel wool cleaning pads or abrasive powders which can scratch or weaken the glass. Nonabrasive pads or powders may
be used if necessary. Do not scrape or gouge glass with hard or sharp utensils.
*Scotch-Brite is a trademark of 3M.
Bar Keepers Friend is a trademark of Servaas Laboratories, Inc.
Cameo is a trademark of Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Comet is a trademark of Colgate-Palmolive Company.
Ajax is a trademark of procter & gamble corporation.