P r i m a L u c e L a b S . p . A .
E A G L E L E U s e r M a n u a l
Autoguiding with PHD2 Guiding
PHD2 Guiding is a free software among the most used for autoguiding since it's very easy to use. In this tutorial we will explain
how to set up this software (that is pre loaded into the EAGLE) using a QHY5L-II camera but the same steps can also be made
using other autoguiding cameras.
The autoguide is a technique that involves a guider camera (usually we use cameras equipped with highly sensitive sensors to
find more easily the guide stars). Connected to a secondary telescope in parallel to the main one, or to an off-axis guider, the
autoguide camera generates the guide star image that is analyzed by a special software (the autoguide software) that automati-
cally sends tracking correction signals to the mount: everything is done to obtain, even with long exposures, perfect images with
pinpoint stars.
Follow these steps to get started easily in autoguiding:
1) Start PHD2 Guiding, the following window will open.
2) Click the first button on the bottom left, it will open the window “Connect Equipment". Select your guide camera in “Camera”
option. We used a QHY5L-II camera which is equipped with ASCOM driver so we selected “CMOS QHY5LII Camera”. The first
time you do this, when you click “Connect” a new window will open. Press OK to proceed.
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