| P: 888.211.3400 | F: 269.925.8539 | E:
This control determines if the printer will perform a form advance when a Form Feed (FF) command is
Form Length
Modified by using code: Forms Settings
This parameter establishes the length of the form. It is given in fundamental raster line units. This
parameter is used to compute the Top-of-Form location when the printer performs a form advance
when there are no form markers on the page. It is also used to compute the Top-of-Form location
when the distance from the print line to the form marker is greater than the distance from the print line
to the form marker sensor. If this value is changed from its previous setting, Top-of-Form is set at the
current location.
Form Marker Distance
Modified by using code: Forms Settings
This parameter is used to compute the Top-of-Form location when the printer performs a form
advance. It is the distance from the leading edge of the media Top-of-Form (perforation) to the center
of the form marker and is given in fundamental raster line units. If this value is changed from its
previous setting, Top-of-Form is set at the current location.
Form Marker Width
Modified by using code: Forms Settings
This parameter is used to compute the center of the form marker. It is the distance from the leading
edge of the form marker to the trailing edge of the form marker and is given in fundamental raster line
units. Markers wider than 254 dot-lines will be ignored.
Form Position
Modified by: Power Up, Door Open, using code Forms Settings
This value represents the current location on the form. It is used to determine when the printer is at
the top of the form. The value is forced to the Top-of-Form position at power up, after the door is
closed, or when either the Form Marker Distance or Form Length parameters change.
Modified by using code: Print Characteristics
This parameter controls the burn energy transfer function between the two set points of White Level
and Saturation Level. This parameter is unit-less. A zero value takes on a straight line transfer
function between White Level and Saturation Level (a perfectly linear media coating). A maximum
value takes on an „S‟ shaped transfer function between White Level and Saturation Level (a very non-
linear media coating). This parameter is used for tonal printing only and has no effect for bi-modal