Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072
No. 54.050 (115 Volt)
No. 54.050X (220 Volt)
The PRO-CRAFT soldering machine is designed to operate on 115 or 220 volts, 60 cycle AC current. A 15 ampere
circuit is ample, provided the line is not overloaded with other equipment. After connecting the machine to a wall out-
let, step on the foot switch. A buzzing sound will indicate the machine is receiving current and is ready for use.
The PRO-CRAFT soldering machine is shockproof! Those unfamiliar with electric soldering must overcome any fear
of shock. The voltage at the highest heat is very low and your hands may touch any part of the carbon holders or
contact clips without sensation of shock.
The heat for soldering is produced electrically, without flame, by touching a carbon electrode to the work to be sol-
dered. The current passing through the carbon will heat the object to be soldered in a matter of seconds.
Many jobs which are difficult or impossible with a flame can be easily accomplished. Heat is generated quickly and is
focused at the point of contact.
If the crystallized flux breaks the contact while soldering, move the work to another spot on the carbon or scrape the
flux from the article when it makes contact. A piece of emery cloth or a file attached to the top of the bench is very use-
ful for removing flux from the article and the carbons. Do not increase the heat if contact is broken, as this can result in
ruined work.
The carbon holder stand is for the tapered carbon. It is plugged into the red cord. The carbon holder stand can be
adjusted to use the carbon both horizontally and vertically. It is made low enough so that both hands can rest on the
bench to steady them while soldering.
Two sizes of spring contact clips are supplied. One or the other is plugged into the black cord. These are used to hold
the article to be soldered. Use the large clip whenever possible.
Heat is controlled by the indicator knob. The amount of heat required depends on the type of solder and the area to be
soldered. Some experimentation will soon enable you to judge which heat setting will be required.
The foot switch turns the machine on and off. As an extra precaution, we recommend disconnecting the machine from
the electrical outlet when you are through with your work.
1. The smaller screw assembles the tubing connector
(1) and the upright clamp (2) to the base (3). The
screw goes into the threaded hole in the base to
hold the parts securely.
2. The carbon holder (4) is placed within the arms of
the upright clamp, the holes are lined up and the
longer screw (5) is passed through the holes.
3. The wing nut (6) is screwed onto the long screw to
hold the parts in place.
4. The carbon is placed within the rounded portion of
the carbon holder and positioned at the desired
angle. The wing nut is tightened to hold the
parts securely.
Carbon Stand