When you look to tune the crossover frequency we would advise that you start with around
a 5Khz high pass roll off to the tweeters. This is an excellent starting point. Depending on
the location of the tweeters and the type of the tweeters you may be able to run a lower
crossover point, which will enable more of the sound to come out of the tweeters and often
this creates a better sound image, as well as tightening up the midbass.
If you have the facility available on your amplifier it will be beneficial in most cases to also
set a high pass crossover point, to limit the amount of bass that is being fed in to your
speakers. We would recommend the use of a 60, 80 or 100Hz crossover in most situations,
depending on the size of the driver and the application.
PA Installation:
When using PAW series in a Professional application ensure that the box design has been
carefully thought out to offer the desired response character. You can refer to the TS
parameters supplied on our website to obtain this information. Also please ensure that you
pay attention to the impedance of the speaker and design the full system to impose load on
your amplifier no less than the acceptable impedance.