© 2012 by Proceq SA
A title, short comment, the name of the operator and the date can be entered at the top of the
The scale represents the dimensions in either meters or feet. (See 6.6) The legend to the right shows
the colour coding of the measurement values (in millivolts) and the number of measurement points
in each range. The three fields Xmax, Xmin, Ymin allow the user to zoom in on a particular area in
the graph.
The bottom section of the window shows the positions for cursors A and B and the mV value of their
current position. The grid direction values indicate the resolution of the measurement.
6.6 Configuration
Click on “Configuration” to alter the appearance and the language of the potential map.
Fig. 6.5: Configuration Window
The number range to which the colours are assigned can be changed through varying the base value
and delta. The base value may not be any smaller than -999 and the combination of the base value
delta may not lead to any colour representing anything above 1000 mV. By pressing “Default”, the
base value and delta are changed to -400mV and 50mV respectively.
Left clicking on a colour allows the colour for that particular range to be selected.
Warnings for overwriting and deleting values in a graph can be set.
Set imperial or metric units for the display with the drop down menu “Unit length”.
“Diagram Orientation” allows the origin of the graph to be changed.
Set the language of the program with the drop down menu.