Simplex (Talk only)
In the Talk only Simplex mode, the loca l/remote site can only talk to the
other site.
Simplex (Listen only)
In the Listen only Simplex mode, the lo cal/remote site can only listen to the
other site.
Select the item to turn off the audio tr ansmission function.
Server Gain Setting
Set the audio input/output gain levels for sound amplif ication. The audio gain
values are adjustable from 1 to 6. The sound will be turned off if the audio gain
is set to “Mute”.
Bit Rate
Selectable audio transmission bit rate incl ude 16 kbps (G.726), 24 kbps (G.726),
32 kbps (G.726), 40 kbps (G.726), uLA
W (G.711) and ALAW (G.711). Both
uLAW and ALAW signify 64 kbps but in
different compression formats. Higher
bit rate will let higher audio quality and require bigger bandwidth.
Click “Save” to confirm the setting.