June 2021
This window has some settings to tune the satellite signal. When the satellite
signal is locked, it shows information about it.
Figure 11.
In first place, select satellite inputs (from 1 to 4) to work on and then expand the
data tree. Setting parameters are:
: Check or uncheck to enable / disable the SAT input.
LNB frequency (MHz)
: Oscillator frequency of the antenna (in MHz). If
you have a Universal LNB, generally are 9750 MHz for LOW band and
10600 MHz for HIGH band.
Downlink frequency (MH
frequency of the satellite.
: LNB voltage and band. Select from the available values:
13(VL): Vertical polarization Low Band.
18(HL): Horizontal polarization Low Band.
13~(VH): Vertical polarization High Band.
18~(HL): Horizontal polarization High Band.
External: External polarization.
The rest of parameters are automatically detected by the transmodulator when
the signal is locked.