15) Types of Media
The following file types can be displayed: MOV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, AVI, FLV, WMV & M4V
This list covers the vast majority of video file types used in production today. The system is capable of
extremely high bit rates (well over 50Mbps), so when encoding, you can keep your videos looking great.
Encoding is truly an art of its own
. We suggest using the standards suggested within the software
applications you’re using and not creating custom settings. The Pro-Player Plus System depends upon
proper encoding in order to retrieve detailed information from a file such as its play length. Without
that info, a file will not play properly or may not play at all.
The vast majority of problems are due to
improperly encoded files!
If you’re going to synchronize your videos, you must use the same Codec &
encoding scheme on
of your media/video files. There are test files on the system that can be used to
determine if you are having system problems or encoding problems. Please test your system using the
included test files before assuming any fault with the system.