How can I check to make sure my filters are working correctly?
You may run the “blue food coloring test” at any time to ensure your filters are
working at optimum performance. To initiate this test, you’ll just need blue food
coloring available at most grocery stores. First empty any water from the upper
and lower containers. Place a glass under the stem of each water filter element
in the lower container. Place the upper container on top of the lower container
and fill the upper container. Place approx. 3 drops of blue food coloring in the
water and stir.
Use liquid BLUE food coloring ONLY (NOT GEL).
After a short peri-
od of time, check the glasses in the lower container. If the water in the glass(es)
is clear, your filter(s) are working correctly. If you see any blue tint color water in
either glass or both, that is an indication that one or both filters may need to be
replaced. You may notice some blue tint coloring on the
after performing the test. This is OK. Coloring will go away after a period of time
or you may try cleaning your filters.
What do I do if a filter fails the blue dye test?
Make sure the placement of your washer is correct. Try tightening the wing nut
on the filter. Also, check to make sure plugs are firmly seated. They may need
to be replaced. If none of these solutions help, please call our customer ser-
vice center.
How should I store my filters?
using your
™ system for any period of time, we suggest you
remove the lid, drain any water that is left in the lower container and remove
the filter elements from your system and allow to air dry. Wrap your filter
elements in a terrycloth towel and store in a dry and cool place.
Do not put the
filters in a plastic bag.
Do not allow wet water filter elements to freeze. Do not
place water filter elements in a dishwasher or microwave oven. When you
restart your system, simply discard the first supply of water from the lower
How long can I store water in the lower container?
We recommend you cycle water from the bottom container on a regular basis.
Should you need to store water, please store water in an appropriate water
storage container.
How do I know how much water is in the lower container?
You can either lift the upper container to see the water level or use a sight glass
spigot which shows the water level in the lower container.
Please remember
you must use water from the bottom container before refilling the upper con-
Why is water leaking between the upper and lower containers?
This occurs only when you have filled the upper container with water still left in
the lower container.
Why is my spigot leaking?
Check the placement of the washers and nut. Try to tighten the nut.
How do I clean my stainless steel?
You may clean the system using a 50-50% solution of white vinegar and water.
Use a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse well and let air dry.