Take reading on the top “Ω” scale and multiply it by the
multiplication factor indicated by the selector switch.
6. If there is little or no pointer movement from the left side of the
scale, reset the selector switch to higher range. The effective
reading scope on an
Ω meter scale is within the area of
between 25 degree of Arc left side to the Midscale and 25
degree right side to the Midscale.
Note: If connected incorrectly with the voltage, quickly
remove the test leads from the circuit as to avoid the damage
to this tester. (This tester can afford the voltage <250V DC/AC
rms. for the period of 5 seconds max.)
Diode Measurement
Set the selector switch to the appropriate
Ω range to be
NOTE: To test the diode while current below 0.060 mA at X
10K range; current below 0.15 mA at X 1K range; current
below 1.5 mA at X 100 range; current below 15 mA at X 10
range; current below 150 mA at X 1 range.
For IF (forward current) test
Put the BLACK test lead to the “-COM” jack and the RED test
lead to the Red “+” jack. And then connect the Black probe to
the Positive terminal of the Diode, the Red probe to the
Negative terminal of the Diode.
For IR (reverse current) test
Reverse the connection.
1. Read the value IF or IR of the diode on the LI scale.
2. Read the linear (forward voltage) VF of the diode on the LV
Transistor hFE and LED Test
Set the selector switch to the
Ω X 10 range.
For Measuring Transistor hFE
Take note the type of transistor “PNP” or “NPN” and then
insert the transistor terminals of the Emitter, Base and
Collector separately into the proper holes of the socket on
the front panel.
1. Read the approximate hFE Value directly at the hFE scale.