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Temperature Calibration Set 



The soldering iron should be recalibrated after changing the iron, or 

replacing the heating element or tip. 


 In the function setting menu, move cursor to the “Cal. Status.” mode 

then press the knob. Move cursor to the ”Real Temp” , input the real 

temperature, move cursor to the “OK” (see fig 3) then press    knob confirm 

it. Press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the 

temperature and exit menu. 


                            Fig.3                                                    Fig.4 

2. Calibrating the iron temperature 

Setting the soldering iron station temperature to 350

, when the 

temperature stabilizes, use s

oldering iron tip thermometer measurement 

and record tip real temperature

, follow the procedure 

input real 

temperature (see Fig.4), soldering iron station will calculate temperature.   

3 Cal. Status description 


 When Cal. status display “----“(see Fig 5)

it means temperature 

have not calibration.     



                    Fig.5                                                        Fig.6 


When Cal. status display “>>>>” (see Fig 6.)

it means “Real Temp.” 

has calibrated and increase temperature. 
For example :“set.Temp”is 350

, "Real Temp.”is 320

, after temperature 

calibration as Fig 4.,temperature will rise to 350


When Cal. status display “<<<<” (see Fig 7.)

it means “Real Temp.” 

has calibrated and decrease temperature. 


When Cal. status display “



” (see Fig 8.)

it means “Real Temp.” has 

calibrated to max. temperature, can not increase anymore, but it can 
decrease temperature. 



                      Fig.7                                                        Fig.8 


When Cal. status display “



” (see Fig 9.)

it means “Real Temp.” has 

calibrated to minimum temperature, can not decrease anymore, but it can 

increase temperature. 


Auto sleep mode setting 

 In the function setting menu, move cursor to the “Sleep Temp.” mode, 

press knob to the setting, temperature range is 30~400



after setting, press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” 

save the temperature and exit the menu. 


 In the function setting menu, move cursor to the ”Sleep Timer” mode, 

press knob to the setting, sleep timer is adjustable from 1~360 minutes 

or setting “OFF” stop sleep mode activate, after setting, press knob to 

the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the setting and exit the 



Fig. 10 

Fahrenheit and Centigrade Selecti

 the “Unit” mode

press knob to 

 menu, move cursor to the “Be

to the 

e error code appears, it will have di-di-di alarm sound.


de, press 


 adjustment screen brightness, 

 menu, move cursor to the “Contrast” mode, press 



 adjustment screen contrast, 

ing menu, move cursor to the “Passcode” mode

g(see Fig 11), input the old code and 


enu, other function was locked. 




5. Af



In the function setting menu, move cursor to

the setting, rotate around the 


 , select “Fahrenheit” or “Centigrade” unit, 

press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the setting 

and exit the menu.   

Beep setting



In the function setting

ep ”, press knob 

setting, rotate around the 


 , switch “ON” or “OFF” mode, press knob to 

the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the setting and exit the 


When beep is setting “ON” mode, press knob will have key beep.   

When th

LCD screen brightness adjustment   

In the function setting menu, move cursor to the “Brightness” mo
knob to the setting, rotate around the 


press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the setting 
and exit the menu.   

LCD screen contrast adjustment 

In the function setting
knob to the setting, rotate around the
press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save the setting 
and exit the menu.   

Temperature passcode setting   

1. In the function sett
press knob into the passcode settin
new code, press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” save t
setting and exit the menu. 
2. After passcode set, only temperature memory CH1/CH2/CH3 can be 

choose in the main m

3. In the main menu, press 3 seconds of shuffle knob, input the passcod

into the function setting menu, now can start to do any

4. Cancel passcode : In the main menu, press 3 seconds of shuffle knob, 

input the passcode, into the function setting menu, follow the 12
procedure, set new code “000” . 

ter setting, press knob to the next menu, choose the “Save & Exit” 

ave the setting and exit the menu



Factory initial setting is “000”, this code without lock 




          Fig11 pass code setting          Input old code error 



Change pass code successful 


have not input new code



Input different new code   


In the function setting 

eset” mode


s “NO” (see Fig12) rotate around the 


 , choose “YES” (see 


menu, move cursor to the “R

setting i

Fig 13) and press knob confirm it, press knob to the next menu, choose
“Save & Exit” save the setting and exit the menu. 




  Fig. 12                                                Fig.13 

er in the same 

Passcode forgot and reset   

If forgot passcode, turn off the power, press knob and pow
time, LCD screen will display “input code” (see Fig. 14), input passcode 
“888” , the soldering iron station will reset passcode become”000”.   
If need to reset passcode, please follow   

Temperature passcode setting

 renew your code. 




rther more detailed informati

se visit Pro’skit website   

For fu

on, plea

 or scan the QR code   

