SLC Platform
Profibus DP Slave Communication Module
Page 54 of 72
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
April 30, 2008
Word Value
143 Status Reserved
144 Status Reserved
145 Status Reserved
146 Status Reserved
147 Status Reserved
Last global command
Refer to the following topics to interpret the status/error codes present in the data
PROFIBUS Enable State: Word 135
Indicates the initialized state of the PDPS module.
0 = Module is not initialized
1 = Module is initialized
MVI46-PDPS Module State - Word 136
Indicates the current state of the MVI46-PDPS module.
0 = Normal Operation
1 = Shutdown
2 = File Transfer
3 = SPC3 ASIC problem
4 = Not in data exchange
PROFIBUS Status Register [0]: Word 137
SPC3 ASIC slave status information provided to the master
Offline-/Passive-Idle state
Bit 0
0 = SPC3 is in offline
1 = SPC3 in passive idle
FDL_IND_ST (Fieldbus Data link Layer)
FDL indication is temporarily buffered.
Bit 1
0 = No FDL indication is temporarily buffered.
1 = FDL indication is temporarily buffered.
Status diagnostics buffer
Bit 2
0 = The DP master fetches the diagnostics buffer.
1 = The DP master has not yet fetched the diagnostics buffer.
RAM Access Violation
Memory access > 1.5kByte
Bit 3
0 = No address violation
1 = For addresses > 1536 bytes, 1024 is subtracted from the current address,
and there is access to this new address.