PRF-912B & PRV-913B Miniature Concentric Ring Fixture Set
Cautions & Warnings
As with any electrical device, use proper electrical precautions and measurement practices
to avoid personnel shock. Read this manual in its entirety before attempting to use these
A. Use of Measurement Power Supply
1. The PRF-912B is a high performance micro probed designed for use with a
maximum input voltage of 100 volts
. As such, it is capable of delivering an
annoying shock to any person touching the spring-loaded contacts when they are
a. If used with the PROSTAT PRS-801 Resistance System, the current capability of
the micro probe instrument combination is limited to a very low, typically
harmless level. However, a distinct hazard exists in the operator’s
to a
possible shock.
b. To avoid shock, operating personnel should not touch the electrodes, or any
exposed metallic parts of the PRF-912B fixture or cable assembly when power is
applied to the probe.
c. The designed operating voltage limit for normal auditing and laboratory
measurements is 100 volts. Exceeding 100 volts greatly increases the risk of
personnel shock hazards.
d. Only qualified instrument repair and test personnel should exceed the 100-volt
operation limit, and then do so
only under controlled conditions using
maximum precautions against personnel shock
To avoid electrical shock,
Do Not Touch
the fixture test electrodes, test bed, or exposed metal
BNC connections when power is being applied to the probe.
exceed the maximum applied operating test voltage of 100 volts.
This manual displays Cautions and Warnings alerting the user to hazardous operation and
servicing conditions. CAUTION or WARNING headings throughout this publication flag this
information, where appropriate. Follow all Caution and Warning instructions
at all times