Technical Specifications
QB.11-R Installation and Management
Range Information
Range Information
Model 2454-R
Minimum fade margin; 99.995% or better availability; average terrain/climate; no unusual mulitpath; proper path
clearance (0.6F1)
Model 4954-R
Model 5054-R
Minimum fade margin; 99.995% or better availability; average terrain/climate; no unusual mulitpath; proper path
clearance (0.6F1). Distance calculations for 5 MHz and 10 MHz are comparable for ETSI regulatory domains.
Proper TPC settings (-9 dB @ 20 MHz, -12 dB @ 10 MHz, -15 dB @ 5 MHz) should be set to meet power density
rules. Increased distances are possible in the US with proper engineering.
Model 5054-R-LR
Ranges calculated with a minimum of 15 dB theoretical system operating margin with a 20 MHz bandwidth.
Assumes the integrated 23 dBi antenna is used at each end, the link has clear line of site, proper path clearance
(0.6F1), average terrain/climate, and no unusual multipath. US values presume transmit power is reduced to -3
dBm to comply with FCC EIRP limitations. ETSI values presume transmit power is set to maximum, which
complies with regulations.
54 Mbps
36 Mbps
6 Mbps
2.4-2.4835 GHz (US) 3 mi/4.8 km
5 mi/8.05 km
3 mi/4.8 km
2.4-2.8 GHz (ETSI)
1 mi/1.6 km
2.6 mi/4.2 km
2.6 mi/4.2 km
54 Mbps
36 Mbps
6 Mbps
4.940 - 4.990 GHz
1.0 mi/1.6 km
3 mi/4.8 km
10 mi/16.1 km
54 Mbps
36 Mbps
6 Mbps
5.25-5.35 GHz (US)
3 mi/4.8 km
6 mi/9.6 km
3 mi/4.8 km
5.47-5.7GHz (ETSI)
3 mi/4.8 km
6 mi/9.6 km
2.1 mi/3.8km
5.725-5.850 (US)
3 mi/4.8 km
6 mi/9.6 km
3 mi/4.8 km
54 Mbps
36 Mbps
6 Mbps
5.25 - 5.35 GHz (US)
5 mi/8.05 km
6 mi/9.6 km
5 mi/8.05 km
5.725 - 5.85 GHz (ETSI) 5 mi/8.05 km
20 mi/32 km
20 mi/32 km