Be sure to carefully read the user manual before using the product.
Ignore the following instructions may cause battery overheating, fire, explosion, damage
and / or performance, and reduced product life.
1) Do not allow water, sea water from entering or leaking into the battery inside. If the
batteries internal safety device burn, when charging it, it may cause any abnormal current
and / or voltage, caused by abnormal chemical reaction, then the battery may cause
overheating, fire and / or explosion.
2) Do not use the stove nearby places such as high temperature or leave the battery.
Excessive heat may be resin shell and / or damage to insulation materials, thereby
causing an internal short-circuit the battery, then the battery may cause overheating,
burning and / or explosion.
3) When charging, use a dedicated charger. Not included in the required conditions (high
temperature, high pressure / high current, using the modified battery charger, etc.) may
result in over-charging the battery charging and abnormal current and / or voltage, caused
by abnormal chemical reaction, and may cause the battery to overheat, light and / or
4) Battery clearly marked with positive and negative. When the battery into the charger
and / or products, be sure to verify the correct battery orientation. Reverse insertion will
cause the reverse charge may cause abnormal chemical reaction, and then may cause
the battery to overheat, ignite, and / or explosion.
5) Do not make the battery and the power outlet and / or car cigarette lighter socket
contacts. This may cause high pressure, causing excessive current, causing the battery to
overheat, burning and / or explosion.
6) Do not heat the battery or the battery into the fire. This insulation material may melt and
/ or damaged safety devices or safety equipment, so that electrolytic solution ignited,
causing the battery to overheat, burning and / or explosion.
7) Not to the contrary of (+) and (-) Location battery. In the charging process, this will
cause the reverse charge may cause abnormal chemical reaction. During use, may
appear unpredictable current exception, cause the battery to overheat, ignite, and / or
8) Do not let the battery (+) and negative (-) contact with any metal. Also, do not bring
along with metal objects or storage batteries, such as necklaces, hair clips and so on.
Internal short circuit caused by the battery may cause excessive current, causing the
battery to overheat, ignite, and / or explosion and the adjacent metal objects (necklaces,
hairpins, etc.) may be overheating.
9) Do not throw the battery or the battery under heavy attack. If the batteries burn internal