Instruction Manual
This section contains information relevant to each specific model of PT113.
9.1 PT113MB, PT113EN - Modbus
The PT113MB is programmable to communicate by Modbus over RS-232C and RS-485. The PT113EN
can communicate with Modbus TCP on the Ethernet port.
9.1.1 Serial Data Output
Serial data output, is available only for the PT113MB and PT113EN. RS-232C
The RS-232C port is industry standard connecting easily to most PCs and ideal for shorter distances
and configuring the PT113.
RS-232C port usage and specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to and
of the
manual to set up this interface.
Interfacing with a PC, PLC or remote display connection.
Connection to AzComT Software.
Data formats
Continuous, BSI Protocol, Modbus-RTU High-Low, Modbus-
RTU Low-High
You will find the data format details in
Baud rate
1200 to 115200 bps, (9600 Default)
Length and parity 8 bits no parity (Default), 8Odd, 8Even, 7Odd, 7Even (6.3.2)
Start / Stop bits
1 start bit and 1 stop bit
Table 7: RS-232C Serial Interface Specifications
The connection should be 3 wire for conversational transmission where it is necessary to send the
transmitter Modbus commands or set up information.
Note: Connecting the shield to the reference ground will protect your weighing system against EMC
Data format or mode can be set from no data transfer, continuous data output, BSI command mode,
Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High configure these settings and set baud rate, address,
data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed with AzComT.. RS-485 (PT113MB only))
RS-485 is best suited for longer transmission distances, multi-device networks and higher speeds in
noisy environments.
RS-485 port usage and specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to and of the
manual to set up this interface.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed.
Interfacing with a Printer, PC, PLC or remote display
connection. Programming with AzCom software.
Data formats
Continuous, Fast Continuous, Printer Format, BSI Protocol,
Modbus-RTU High-Low, Modbus-RTU Low-High
You will find the data format details in
Baud rate
1200 to 115200 bps, 9600 (Default)
Length and parity
8 bits no parity (Default), 8Odd, 8Even, 7Odd, 7Even
Start / Stop bits
1 start bit and 1 stop bit
Table 8: RS-485 Serial Interface Specifications