Operation & Installation Manual
Section 1: Introduction, General Description & Requirements
1.1 Introduction
11984 Rev 01
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Theory of Operation
The SENTRY 1510 is a pressure regulation controller designed to be used in a
clean room for vertical furnaces. The SENTRY 1510 is installed between the
output of the furnace and the facilities exhaust line. The 1510 can control the
pressure inside the tube to a set point programmed through the furnace controller
or the SENTRY Supervisor.
The SENTRY 1510 isolates the pressure inside the process tube from house ex-
haust pressure variations. The 1510 provides a stable, repeatable process pres-
sure, allowing process optimization and improving process repeatability:
1. The SENTRY 1510 provides a constant pressure (either positive or negative
with respect to the room) for the process. (This allows the process engineer to
optimize the process with respect to pressure. Once optimized, the process
pressure can be fixed, which will then improve the repeatability of film
2. The SENTRY 1510 prevents backstreaming of house exhaust contaminants
into the tube (these contaminants can reduce oxide or diffusion integrity).
3. In the negative pressure configuration, the SENTRY 1510 can reduce the
possibility of HCl fumes escaping into the fab.