Riding this bike backwards may loosen the pedals which will damage the threads.
Please always check pedals to ensure that the pedals are tightened. If the pedals
have become loose, tighten threads with the wrench supplied to ensure they are
securely attached.
Right Pedal
Please make sure pedal in your hand is the right pedal before
Installation. Please refer to the figure. Align the right pedal with
right crank at 90 degree. Gently insert the pedal in the crank arm.
Turn the pedals
as tightly as you can with your hand.
Use the wrench to ensure it is tightened securely.
Please always
tighten by hand first, then finish by wrench.
Left Pedal
Please make sure pedal in your hand is the left pedal before
Installation. Please refer to the figure. Align the left pedal with left
crank at 90 degree. Gently insert the pedal in the crank arm. Turn
the pedals
counter- lockwise
as tightly as you can with your
hand. Use the wrench to ensure it is tightened securely.
always tighten by hand first, then finish by wrench.
Summary of Contents for 224B-AAB
Page 1: ...224B AAB Group Cycle User Manual STUDIO CIRCUIT...
Page 2: ...2...
Page 9: ...9 Exploded Drawing...
Page 15: ...15...
Page 16: ...135 2044 1...