Drinking alkaline water
Useful in improving the constitution, and regulates physical condition. Unlike
tap water, you can drink large quantities of alkaline water without the risk of
stomach upset.
a. Unusual gastrointestinal fermentation: drinking alkaline water on an empty
stomach is effective.
b. Constipation and stiff shoulders: drinking before meals is effective.
c. Diarrhea: increase the amount, depending on the symptoms.
d. High or low blood pressure: drinking on an empty stomach or one hour
before eating is effective.
e. Diabetes: drinking three cups or more if alkaline water on an empty
stomach is effective.
Alkaline water in processed beverages
Comparing to conventional methods of preparation, the use of ground coffee,
tea, and juices are greatly economized and enhanced.
a. Tea: makes the color of the tea vivid, lessens it's astringency, and makes
it mellow and delicious.
b. Coffee: you can use less coffee grounds and still have the same flavor
and strength.
c. Alcohol and water: imparts a mellow and delicious taste and prevents the
negative physical reactions associated with drinking alcoholic beverages.
Cooking with alkaline water
Brings out the real taste of the food, resulting in sufficient flavor even when
the amount of seasoning is reduced by as much as 1/3 from the amount
used in conventional method of preparation.
a. Cooked food: the flavor of the food is brought out well. And the food is
tender. The taste comes out fully even with less seasoning.
b. Cooked fish: the meat of the fish is firm and the shape is maintained.
c. Steeping, washing, and parboiling green vegetables: the green color is
brought out because of the chlorophyll does not change, giving the
prepared vegetables vivid color.
d. Removes harsh taste from vegetables.
e. Removal of blood from liver and red meat: when liver or red meat are
steeped in alkaline water for 20-30 minutes, the blood is drawn out and
odors are eliminated.
f. Cooking beans: the beans only need to be steeped in water for a short
time before cooking.
g. Cooking water for rice: helps prevent spoilage.