Nixie Tube Clock ‘Frank 3’
Issue 5 (1 Jan 2012)
- 21 -
4.20 D11 – D16 (3mm Blue LED).
You can substitute other colour 3mm LEDs if you wish.
Bend the leads of each LED as shown below. Note that the longer
(+) lead is on the top. This is important as the leads will be
trimmed to the same length, so you need to be sure that you have
the correct (longer) lead in the (+) hole.
Now bend again, appropriate to the spacing between the pads for
the LED and the hole for the LED. Cut the leads to the same
The six LEDs may now be installed, as shown below. Insert and
solder on the solder side. Take care that the LED leads are well
clear of the tube leads and sockets. If you wish you may use some
short pieces of insulation as shown to prevent the possibility of any
LED leads touching the tube sockets or leads, but this should not
be necessary if you take care to bend the LED leads to the correct
The LED positions may need to be adjusted to give a uniform
appearance when viewed from the front.