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CSX Instantaneous Steam-to-Water Heater

High-Temperature Blend-down System

Designed for Buildings with Re-circulating Domestic Water Loops

High-temperature blend-down is an approach 

to domestic water heating where potable water is 
initially heated by a steam heat exchanger to 220ºF to 
250ºF and then is blended with cold water through a 
mixing valve to achieve the  required outlet tempera-
ture. The approach avoids modulating steam to control 
water temperature and instead relies on the modulation 
of fl ows of cold and hot water.

CSX Compared to Competitive Blend-Down 
Water Heaters with Building Re-Circulation

Greater Temperature Accuracy - dual control valves

CSX controls the blending of hot and cold water 

through two separate fi xed-temperature mixing valves 
downstream of the heat exchanger. With a building 
re-circualtion loop, both valves are always blending.

Greater Safety - high-limit shutdown system

CSX is equipped with a high-temperature shutoff 

device on the hot water piping. Thermostats monitor  the 
downstream side of both blending valves. A solenoid 
valve shuts off fl ow from the heat exchanger if water 
temperatures climb above either high-limit threshold.

True Clean-in-Place Capability

Unlike competitive designs that require the breaking 

of piping connections or the removal of blending valves 
to access the waterside of the heat exchanger, CSX 
provides two readily accessible CIP threaded fi ttings. 
All piping remains intack during cleaning. 

Variable “Cold” Water Temperature is No Problem

The dual CSX blending valves respond seamlessly 

to variable temperature and fl ow at the cold inlet port 
and produce water within 5 degrees of the system’s
setpoint temperature.

Competitive designs use a blending valve that 

responds to fl ow as the only variable input. Using this 
type of valve requires the cold water temperature at 
the valve inlet to remain constant. With a building recir-
culating loop, water at the valve’s cold inlet can range 
from 40ºF to 110ºF. The valve has no internal means to 
adjust to this variable and can miss the outlet tempera-
ture target by a wide margin. Without additional down-
stream blending valves, over- or under-temperature 
water can enter the domestic water system. 

CSX single-exchanger models range in 
output from 15 to 75gpm of 140ºF water with 
15 psi  steam. Packaged dual-exchanger 
systems are available.

Fixed-temperature valves (tamper-proof) are 
available to provide 120ºF, 140ºF or 160ºF 
outlet water to within ± 5 ºF. Valve failure 
results in cold water fl ow.

Exchanger is passivated 316L stainless steel 
with corrugated, helical tubing and a counter-
fl ow design for low fl oor space requirements. 
Water is in the shell and steam in the tubes.

