4 Channel Digital Video Recorder
Motion alarm switch, can be set to on or off, if set to off, the motion
alarm will be ignored.
MOTION LEVEL: motion sensitivity level, if the figure in the picture is small, please set to
high or very high, the default is normal.
BUZZER SOUND: buzzer sound time when there is a sensor or motion alarm.
Note: Users should press Schedule button after setting up the parameters so to activate
the settings.
15. Motion Detection settings
1) When surveying nearby objects (2-10 meters)
When in daytime, please set motion detection sensitivity as Normal level; when in night,
please set as low.
2) When surveying objects in 50-100 meters area
The objects 50-100 meters away will be quite small on the screen. When in daytime, please
set motion detection sensitivity as high level.
When in night as below, please set as normal level.