4 Channel Digital Video Recorder
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1. Live: if you select this, you can connect to the DVR from Internet and view the live
pictures on the DVR. 2.Net Search: if you select this, you can search the video recorded on
HDD of the DVR, 3. Local Search: if you select this, you can play the video recorded on
you computer. 4. HDD Scan: it can scan all video information on a HDD that has been used
on a DVR. 5. Connect button. 6. Disconnect button. 7.Local record button, if you press this
icon, it will record the pictures from the DVR to you local computer. 8.setting.
Live Operation
: if the software is in live mode (click
), then click
, it will
connect to the DVR, and the live pictures will be transmitted to display on the window.
, it will stop transmitting picture.