RELEASE 1.0.1 — 15 JULY, 2020
Settings Panel
If you are grasping an object with a known mass, you can add it in the proper field to automatically sum it
up with the qb SoftHand one. Remember to set it to 0 when you release the object.
Additionally, you can specify if this Node has to add a wait during the grasp or not. You can choose one of
the two predefined options:
Wait for a given amount of time expressed in seconds;
Wait until the grasp is stable.
If none are satisfying for the given application, feel free to add a Wait Node after the qb SoftHand one.
Figure 9. —
qb SoftHand URCap Program Node
As for the Installation Node, the small "gear" does nothing at the current state and will be
enabled in the following releases.
If both the options are selected, they are evaluated in sequence: first it waits for the specified
custom time and then checks whether the grasp is already stable or not.