KB ID:001
Protocol: Factory
Balldrate:960 0bps
move the joys tick leftwards to return . The keyboard mess age menu will display the
keyboard parameter setting, the keyboard model, ID address, the Keyboard protocol and the
keyboard baud rate.
4. 2 Dome setting
This paragraph mainly de scribes main functions of the operation ways of keyboard, it
needs to especially explain that different systematic platform has not the same operations , and
different systematic platform may have some particular requirements and operations, please
operate it to combine with the operation manual of dome and matrix.
4.2.1 Dome preset setting
Enter the main menu, as LCD shows (Picture4.1.1- 1)
Move the joystick to
to enter dome setting menu, as LCD shows (Picture 4.2 .1-1 );
Move joy stick up and down to separately set dome preset, scan, pattern and tour.
Picture 4.2.1-1
Move the joystick to
to enter dome preset setting , as LCD shows (Piture4.2.1 -2)
1.Set dome preset
2.Set dome scan
3.Set dome pattern
4.Set dome tour
1.Save preset
2.Show preset
3.Clear preset
KeyBoard ID
Control Protocol