2. There will be no data on Pwr Left%//Pwr Right%/L.TQ.Effect/R.TQ.Effect/L.
Ped.Smooth./R. Ped.Smooth if the power meter you are using does not support these
3. Data of Pwr NP Avg/Pwr TSS/Pwr IF/Pwr watts/kg/kilojoules/Pwr Left%//Pwr
Right%/L.TQ.Effect/R.TQ.Effect/L. Ped.Smooth./R. Ped.Smooth will be only displayed on
firmware V1.05 or above, firmware below V1.05 will be unavailable to display these data.
Extended menu: Lap/Graph/Delete
Lap: show the summary of each lap( data information same as the activity summary list
except the TSS, IF or other display entry of lap)
Button function:
Left button: return to the extended menu
Middle button: switch into next lap
Right button: page down
Graph: show the graph on summary chat, heart rate zones, power zones, cadence zones,
routes and altitude.
Button function:
Left button: return to the extended menu
Middle button: no function
Right button: page down
Delete: delete current record, with confirm menu(Yes/No)