IAC-IMX6-Kit Linux Function and Test Manual
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Input [V], it hints [Set volume[0-1.0] ], input range [0~1.0],input [0.3]
here. You will hear the voice turns light from the audio port.
Audio Record Test:
Use microphone to connect J17, then input the following command in
terminal for recording:
arecord -d 10 -D plughw:1 test.wav
It generates a [test.wav] in terminal, then use the following command
to play the recording.
gplay test.wav
Test Code:
/Test Code/video bbb_short_1080p.avi
Tool: gplay
(1)If there is a problem on display, please refer to LCD display
chapter 2.13 and 2.14.
(2)Please use the LCD’ resolution which is greater than the current
film. Or there will be some abnormal status.
2.9 LAN Test