AP3X Robot User Manual
80 Document Version V1.1.0 (01/11/2023)
needs to be set by the user,
and can be set to other
Introduction to user defined instruction editing area
Users can add common instructions to the < macro command debugger>
interface through the user-defined instruction editing function according to
their needs. After editing, the required instructions will be added to the right
side of the interface for easy access next time.
For example, add the command of "servo power on" in the interface:
Step 1
Click the arm software debugging environment, and then click
<Tools>→<Debugging and Analyzing Tools>→<macro command
to enter the debugging interface.
Step 2
Click the < add > button on the right to open the operation
instruction dialog box. Type the instruction name "servo power on",
the operation instruction content "robot. Powerenable 1,1" and the
comment "robot servo motor power on" in the input box of the
interface to edit the required instructions,as shown in Figure 7-10.