• Scheduled tasks run at the correct time.
1. Log in to QSS.
2. Go to System > System Settings > Time .
3. Specify the time zone.
4. Specify the time configuration.
Synchronize with internet time
Ensure that your device is connected to the internet, and then specify
the following information:
Server: Specify the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Examples: time.nist.gov, time.windows.com
Manual configuration
Specify the date and time.
5. Configure the Daylight Savings Time (DST) settings.
• Disable: Disables the DST settings
• Adjust the system clock automatically: Allows the internal clock of the switch to configure the
DST settings.
• Adjust the system clock manually: Allows you to manually configure the starting time, ending
time, and the offset settings.
6. Click Save.
QSS updates the time settings.
Backing up system settings
1. Log in to QSS.
2. Go to System > System Settings > Backup & Restore .
3. Click Backup.
The device exports the system settings as a BIN file and downloads the file to your computer.
Restoring system settings
If the selected backup file contains user or user group information that already exists on
the device, the system will overwrite the existing information.
1. Log in to QSS.
2. Go to System > System Settings > Backup & Restore .
A file explorer window opens.
3. Click Browse.
4. Select a valid BIN file that contains the device system settings.
5. Click Restore.
QSW Managed Switches User Guide