potential data loss from unforeseen issues arising during the system update.
4. Click "Browse" to select the firmware image for the system update. Click "Update
System" to update the firmware.
The system update may take seconds, minutes or longer to complete depending on the
network connection status. The NAS will inform you when the system update has
Note :
If the system is running properly, you do not need to update the firmware.
QTS does not support downgrading the firmware. However, if you choose to apply
an older firmware version, please back up all of your important data before
downgrading. QNAP is not responsible for any damage to the NAS or its contents
after downgrading.
Upda te F irm wa re by Q NAP Q finde r Pro
The NAS firmware can be updated using Qfinder Pro by following these steps:
1. Select a NAS model and choose "Update Firmware" from the "Tools" menu.
2. Login to the NAS as an administrator.
3. Browse and select the firmware for the NAS. Click "Start" to update the system.
Note :
If you have multiple identical NAS on the same LAN, they can be updated at
the same time with Qfinder Pro. Administrator access is required.