"Privilege Settings" > "Quota".
The NAS supports importing user accounts from TXT, CSV or BIN files. To create a list of
user accounts with these file types, follow these steps:
1. Open a new file with a text editor.
2. Enter a user's information in the following order and separate them by ",": Username,
Password, Quota (MB), Group Name
3. Go to the next line and repeat the previous step to create another user account.
Each line indicates one user's information.
4. Save the file with UTF-8 encoding if it contains double-byte characters.
Note that if the quota is left empty, the user will have no limit in using the disk space of
the NAS.
C SV (E x c e l)
1. Open a new file with Excel.
2. Enter a user's information in the same row in the following order:
Column A: Username
Column B: Password
Column C: Quota (MB)
Column D: Group name
3. Go to the next row and repeat the previous step to create another user account.
Each row indicates one user's information. Save it as a CSV file.
4. Open the CSV file with Notepad and save it in UTF-8 encoding if it contains double-
byte characters.
B IN (E x porte d from the NAS)
The BIN file is exported from a QNAP NAS. It contains information including username,
password, quota, and user group. The quota setting can only be exported when the
quota function is enabled in "Privilege Settings" > "Quota".
H om e F olde rs
Enable Home Folders to create a personal folder to each local and domain user on the
NAS. Users can access their home folders via Microsoft networking, FTP, AFP, and File