2.5 Connecting to NAS by Web Browser
To connect to the NAS by a web browser, follow these steps:
1. Enter http://NAS IP:8080 in the web browser. Or if using QNAP Qfinder Pro, simply
double click on the NAS to open the login page.
Note :
The default NAS IP is If the NAS has been configured
to use DHCP, you can use QNAP Qfinder Pro to check the IP address of the NAS.
Make sure the NAS and the computer that runs QNAP Qfinder Pro are connected to
the same subnet. If the NAS cannot be found, connect the NAS to the computer
directly and run QNAP Qfinder Pro again.
2. Enter the administrator's login id and password. Enable "Secure login" (Secure
Sockets Layer login) to allow a secure connection to the NAS. If a user without
administration rights logs into the NAS, the user can only change the login password
(the default login ID and password of the NAS are both "admin".)
Note :
If the NAS is behind a NAT gateway, to connect to the NAS by secure login on
the Internet, port 443 must be opened on the NAT router and forwarded to the LAN
IP of the NAS.
3. The NAS Desktop will be displayed.