Balance-alb is similar to balance-tlb but also
attempts to redistribute incoming (receive
load balancing) for IPV4 traffic. This setup
does not require any special switch support or
configuration. The receive load balancing is
achieved by ARP negotiation sent by the local
system on their way out and overwrites the
source hardware address with the unique
hardware address of one of the Ethernet
interfaces in the bond such that different
peers use different hardware address for the
server. This mode provides load balancing and
fault tolerance.
General switches
Wi- F i
To connect to a Wi-Fi network, plug a USB wireless dongle into the NAS. The NAS will
detect a list of wireless access points. You can connect the NAS to a Wi-Fi network in
two ways.
Note :
Wireless connection performance depends on many factors such as the adapter
model, the USB adapter's performance, and the network environment. Wired
connections will always provide greater stability and performance.
The system only supports one USB Wi-Fi dongle at a time.
For a list of compatible USB Wi-Fi dongles, visit http://www.qnap.com/
compatibility and select "USB Wi-Fi".
This feature is not supported by the TS-269H.
M e thod 1: C onne c ting to a n e x is ting Wi- F i ne twork:
A list of Wi-Fi access points with signal strength are displayed in "Wi-Fi Network
Ic on / O ption
Na m e
De s c ription
Search for Wi-Fi networks in range.
The Wi-Fi network requires a network key.