4.6 Power
You can restart or shut down the NAS, specify the behavior of the NAS after a power
recovery, and set the schedule for automatic system power on/off/restart on this page.
E uP M ode C onfigura tion
EuP (also Energy-using Products) is a European Union (EU) directive designed to improve
the energy efficiency of electrical devices, reduce the use of hazardous substances,
increase ease of product recycling, and to improve environment-friendliness of products.
When EuP is enabled, the following settings will be affected so that the NAS maintains
low power consumption (less than 1W) when the NAS is powered off:
Wake on LAN: Disabled.
AC power resumption: The NAS will remain off after the power restores from an
Scheduled power on, off, restart settings: Disabled.
When EuP is disabled, the power consumption of the NAS is slightly higher than 1W when
the NAS is powered off. EuP is disabled by default so that you can use the functions
Wake on LAN, AC power resumption, and power schedule settings properly.
This feature is only supported by certain NAS models.