5.5.1 Joining NAS to Active Directory (Windows Server 2003/2008/2012)
Active Directory is a directory used in Windows environments to centrally store, share,
and manage a network's information and resources. It is a hierarchical data centre
which centrally holds information for users, user groups, and the computers for secure
access management. The NAS supports Active Directory (AD.) By joining the NAS to
the Active Directory, all the user accounts of the AD server will be automatically
imported to the NAS. AD users can use their same login details to access the NAS. If
you are using Active Directory with Windows Server 2008 R2, you must update the NAS
firmware to at least 3.2.0 to join the NAS to the AD.
Joining the NAS to Ac tiv e Dire c tory M a nua lly
Follow the steps below to join the QNAP NAS to the Windows Active Directory.
1. Login to the NAS as an administrator. Go to "System Settings" > "General Settings"
> "Time". Set the date and time of the NAS, which must be consistent with the time
of the AD server. The maximum time disparity tolerated is 5 minutes.
2. Go to "System Settings" > "Network" > "TCP/IP". Set the IP of the primary DNS
server as the IP of the Active Directory server that contains the DNS service. It
must be the IP of the DNS server that is used for your Active Directory. If you use
an external DNS server, you will not be able to join the domain.
3. Go to "Privilege Settings" > "Domain Security". Enable "Active Directory
authentication (domain member)", and enter the AD domain information.
Note :
Enter a fully qualified AD domain name, for example, qnap-test.com
The AD user entered here must have administrator access rights to the AD
WINS Support: If you are using a WINS server on the network and the
workstation is configured to use that WINS server for name resolution, you must
set up the WINS server IP on the NAS (use the specified WINS server.)
Joining the NAS to Ac tiv e Dire c tory (AD) by Q uic k C onfigura tion Wiza rd
To join the NAS to an AD domain by the Quick Configuration Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Go to "Privilege Settings" > "Domain Security". Select "Active Directory
authentication (domain member)" and click "Quick Configuration Wizard".
2. Read the wizard introduction. Click "Next".