7.1 Station Manager
The Station Manager is an integrated control panel for all QNAP Stations and they can
be enabled or disabled here.
E na bling Photo Sta tion
Check "Enable Photo Station" and click the below links to directly login to the
application. Check "Show the photos of Sharing Management on the login screen" to
display photo albums on the login page. This will allow users to directly view the photos
of the chosen album as a guest. Photo Station can only be launched after it is enabled
in the Station Manager. For more Photo Station details please refer to the Photo
E na bling M us ic Sta tion
Check "Enable Music Station" and click the below links to directly login to the
application. Music Station can only be launched after it is enabled in the Station
Manager. For more Music Station details please refer to the Music Station
E na bling F ile Sta tion
Check "Enable File Station" and click the below links to directly login into the