7.3 DLNA Media Server
The NAS supports two types of DLNA Media Servers: QNAP DLNA Media Server and
Twonky Media DLNA Server.
QNAP DLNA Media Server is developed by QNAP, and Twonky Media DLNA Server is a
third-party media server. To allow DLNA media players to access and play the NAS
multimedia content via QNAP DLNA Media Server, enable the QNAP DLNA Media Server
and configure the Media Library and the default user account.
Note :
The contents allowed to be browsed on devices connected to the media server
are based on the shared folder permission set for the default user account.
Viewers can only watch multimedia contents from the media folders that the
default user account is assigned the permission with. For media folder setup,
please refer to the chapter on Multimedia Management. For permission
assignment, please refer to the chapter on Shared Folder
Twonky server must be installed separately on certain NAS models. Please refer
to the product software specification table for details (http://www.qnap.com/