Assembly notes:
There is no need to print out the whole assembly manual which would use up a lot of ink. Hopefully you
have a laptop or similar you can view these instructions on at the work bench.
Do print the over all parts placement diagram to use as reference as you build. For experienced builders,
that is likely all you'll need for most of the assembly.
Pre-sorting the resistors and capacitors can speed up the assembly and reduce mistakes.
Parts will be installed in order of height, starting with resistors. This way taller parts don't get in
the way had they been installed first.
The placement diagrams highlight the parts to be installed. To reduce clutter on the diagram, parts
already installed or to be installed at a later step are not shown, with the exception of a few things
for reference.
Parts are numbered on the board starting at the lower right hand corner. Numbers run bottom to top, then
right to left across the board.
Missing or lost parts? Contact for replacements.