Quantum Engineer Operation Manual, Ver. 2.0.1
19 September 2006
Trouble Shooting
My Loco does not respond
to any or some Quantum
Engineer keys.
Your locomotive may not have Quantum Analog Remote
Control (QARC) technology.
Or you may have forgotten that a double press turns off
some features and a single press turns them on.
Or some features may not be included in your model.
My locomotive is completely
No sounds, not even
an air release when power
is first applied.
Try resetting the loco with its jumper or magnetic wand
(see your Quantum Operation Manual).
Or, if your locomotive was being operated in DCC and
power was suddenly removed while moving, the loco
may still be waiting for a DCC signal. Place the
locomotive on DCC track, activate, stop loco and turn
off power.
You may have pickup problems in your loco or an area of
dead track.
My loco makes sounds but
will not respond to the
You may have applied brakes to stop your locomotive.
Either reduce the throttle below V-Start or press the
Release Brake key two times.
Or your locomotive is in Disconnect or Standby. Press
Start Up
I cannot get my locomotives
to program.
Older Quantum locomotives cannot be programmed
using the Quantum Engineer Program keys.
Or you may not be holding the
key down before
turning on the power,
Or you may not be holding it down long enough after
turning on the power.
Pressing the
Apply Brake
key does not seem to have
much affect at high speeds.
Set V-Max to a higher value (about 85% of full throttle
Or you are in STC and no Load is turned on.
Sometimes in Neutral,
keys have no affect.
When entering Neutral, you must wait for the long air
release before the Horn and Bell buttons will operate.
My Quantum Engineer will
not send commands when
keys are pressed. I do not
hear any clicking sounds
like I normally do.
Turn power off and back on again to reset the Quantum
Engineer to normal operation.