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Cut Cross Bars.

 Both bars must fit 

between the lowest horizontal frame rails 
of the wheelchair. Always cut an equal 
amount from both ends and allow the 
cross bar to reach the oval openings of the 
bracket clamps.

Fit bracket to wheelchair. 

Slide the four 

bracket clamps onto the cross bars and 
place cross bars between the frame rails 
making sure the holes on the cross bars 
are on top. Now slide the clamps out until 
the tubing is firmly seated in the radius of the clamp. Mark your holes to be drilled onto the cross bars.

Align main bracket (center strap)

 to the cross bars. Position the assembly so that the docking bolt is 

approximately 2” in front of the wheel axis. Mark your holes and excess to be drilled/cut.

Align the V bracket to the center of the bracket.

 Make sure that there is at least 3-4” of clearance 

above the V bracket and that it is sticking out far forward enough to clear any foot rests, covers, and/or 
obstructions (see diagram below). Mark your holes and excess to be drilled/cut.

Drill all holes and cut excess.

Hole sizes are as follows:
•  Center Strap: 3/8” holes (four locations)
•  Cross Bars: 5/16” holes (two locations per bar)
•  Bracket Clamps: 5/16” holes (two locations per clamp)
•  V Bracket Stabilizer: 3/8” holes (two locations)

Install bracket onto wheelchair.

 Secure Center Strap to cross bars with 3/8” hardware provided, as 

well as the V Bracket on the front. Use the 5/16” hardware to secure the bracket clamps to the frame 
of the wheelchair and also to the cross bars. Attach the docking bolt to the bracket on the bottom of 
the wheelchair. Adjust the height of the docking bolt by threading or un-threading it into the center 
strap. Final height should be determined with user sitting in the wheelchair. Review diagram on right 
for installation of the stabilizer base.








