QT Technologies LLC
QT Technologies LLC (303) 444-3590 FAX (303) 444-8736 Page 14
Personal Computer (PC) Related Requirements (M3000 Pro)
The PC must consist of the following.
1. IBM compatible Pentium Class CPU
2. Windows 98/2000/NT/XP
3. 32 MB of RAM installed
4. Color Monitor
5. 100 megabytes free hard drive space.
6. Printer
7. CD ROM Drive
8. The PC to be used to run the SiteMinder program and retrieve sales from the terminal must have an
modem* with a live phone line hooked up.
Note: This phone line must have a phone number that is different than that of the terminal BUT it
can be used by other devices (ex: fax).
PC Telephone # (____) ______-_______
Completed on ___/___/___ by ____________
*Due to the increased market growth of computer products and differing standards of performance
applied, not all modems are capable of communicating with the QT Technologies terminal. An QT
Technologies technician will work on your modem/configuration for one hour if it does not readily
communicate with the fuel terminal at the beginning of the PC setup. If they are unsuccessful, you
have the following options listed below. We have very good luck with the US Robotics 56K external
Option 1: The QT Technologies technician will have a modem available for purchase.
Option 2: Any further time spent on modem configuration will be billed at $70 hour plus expenses.
9. Internet Access for on-line support (optional).
Completed on ___/___/___ by_____________
Appendix A - Serial Protocol Dispensers
Serial protocol dispensers, unlike direct wire dispensers, send all data back and forth
between dispenser and terminal via data cable. From a Site Preparation standpoint,