Vendetta Quick Start Guide
The default settings for R/C calibration match the Clean
ight settings. If your R/C
matches these settings you may choose to skip the R/C calibration.
New or Changed Setup
ight will by default expect an SBUS output since this is the most commonly
used protocol nowadays among FPV racers. If you are using any other receiver such as
Spektrum satellites, or PPM-compatible receivers, press the ENTER key of the CORE
PRO to cycle through the available options.
A restart of the
ight controller is required so please allow it some time. At the same
time for it to load, center all of your R/C sticks, and the R/C Calibration wizard will
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Centering your sticks will start the countdown. If
you are not using the currently-active RX provider
(in this case SBUS), push the center (Enter)
button of the CORE PRO to cycle through the
available options.
Follow the instructions on the screen and move
your sticks accordingly. If the direction does not
match, it needs to be adjusted in your R/C radio
configuration. Cleanflight can not interpret
reversed channels.