Output volume
20.0 dB
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Quadral - AURUM aktiv 'AURUM Alpha'
7. Measurement
On the page “
” you can now start measuring. Make sure that it is as quiet as possible
during measurements in the room. The quieter it is, the better the DIRAC Live® algorithm can process the
measurement. The best way to perform the measurements is with a large microphone tripod.
Position the microphone in the listening position according to the yellow marking of the software. Be
sure to align the microphone at ear level. The outermost measurements should be taken at a distance of
approx. 50 cm from the midpoint measurement. The height difference between the measurements and
the midpoint should be 30 cm. If the measurements are too close together, the result may sound very dry
and matt.
Below the seat display, in addition to the “Top View”, you can also display the “Frontal View” and “Oblique
View”. Now click on “Start”, 3 measurement signals from the loudspeakers will be played. After each
measurement, the position shown in the display becomes green, and you have to change the microphone
position according to the display. Once all 9 measurements have been performed, click “Proceed”.
8. Filter design
Measured curve
(Avg. Spectrum before)
Target curve
Optimized curve
(Avg. Spectrum after)
On the page “
Filter Design
” you can now see the measurement result (light blue lines). The orange curve
is the target curve. DIRAC Live® will try to match the measured curves as close as possible to the targeted
curve. The first thing you should do is to use the targeted curve you have already defined. DIRAC Live®
computes the required filters by clicking on the “Optimize” button. This can take a short moment. After the
computing the green improved curve appears.
Now save the project and click “Save Project” at the left bottom of the window. The named project will
appear at the listening profile. The default location of the project files is:
Now click on the “Proceed” button.
9. Export
On the page “
” page you only have to click on the blue box of the project at the top left with the
mouse, hold it down and drag it into one of the “Slots”. You can activate or deactivate the DIRAC Live®
filters with the “On/Off” button.
If all 4 slots are occupied, you can delete the projects from the loudspeaker by dragging them to the trash
can in the upper right corner.
Press “Reset Streaming Modul” to take over the DIRAC Live® calibration.