QA402 User Manual
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Soft Keys
There are several useful softkeys that can accelerate workflow:
Starts or stops acquisitions
Runs a single acquisition. This can be useful if you are conducting a “smoke test”
on a very high power amplifier. By selecting a very small FFT, you can emit a single
short burst of sine. For example, a 1K FFT at 48Ksps will result in a 20 mS burst of
signal. Emitting a single one of these bursts can be helpful as you are trying to
learn the limits of operation.
(open bracket)
This is cut FFT size in half.
(close bracket)
This doubles FFT size.
Enables idle-tone generation.
Deletes all markers
“Page Up”
“Up Arrow”
Scrolls control panel up quickly (Page Up) or slowly (Up Arrow)
“Page Down”
Scrolls control panel down quickly (Page Down) or slowly (Down Arrow)