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9530/8530 Manual Version 4.5
Any parameter may be queried by sending the command with a question mark appended. For
SCPI Query Format
Will return
Will return
0.000120000 <cr><lf>
Will return
NORM <cr><lf>
SCPI Keyword Separator
A colon (:) must always separate one keyword from the next lower-level keyword. A space must be
used to separate the keyword header from the first parameter.
SCPI Optional Keywords
Optional keywords and/or parameters appear in square brackets ( [ ] ) in the command syntax.
Note that the brackets are not part of the command and should not be sent to the pulse generator.
When sending a second level key word without the optional keyword, the pulse generator assumes
that you intend to use the optional keyword and responds as if it had been sent.
SCPI Specific and Implied Channel
Some commands, such as PULSe, allow specifying a channel with an optional numeric keyword
suffix. The suffix will be shown in square brackets [ 1 / 2 ]. The brackets are not part of command
and are not to be sent to the pulse generator. The numeric parameters correspond to the following
channels: 0 = T
, 1 = ChA,
2 = ChB, etc. Only one channel may be specified at a time.
If you do not specify the channel number, the implied channel is specified by the
command or the last referenced channel.
After power-up or reset (*RST) the instrument will default to channel #1.
SCPI Parameter Types
The following parameter types are used:
<Numeric Value>
Accepts all commonly used decimal representation of
numbers including optional signs, decimal points, and
scientific notation:
For Example: 123, 123e2, -123, -1.23e2, .123, 1.23e-2,
<Boolean Value>
Represents a single binary condition that is either true or false.
True is represented by a 1 or ON; false is represented by a 0 or
OFF. Queries return 1 or 0.
Selects from a finite number of predefined strings.