To Use System Burst Mode Function
The RUN/STOP button generates a stream of n T
pulses, where n is speci-
fied by the Burst parameter. The rate is specified in the Rate menu. Pressing
the RUN/STOP button while the burst is in process will stop the output. After the
burst has been completed, pressing the RUN/STOP button will generate an-
other burst. To generate a burst of pulses:
- within the system Mode menu
Select the Burst mode.
Set the number of pulses to produce in the burst.
To Use System Duty Cycle Function
The RUN/STOP button starts a continuous pulse stream which oscillates on for
the n pulses and off for m pulses, where n and m are specified by the On
and Off parameters, respectively. The rate is specified in the Rate Menu. To
generate a stream of pulses which oscillates on for n pulses and off for m
- within the system ModeE menu
Select the Duty Cycle mode.
Set the number of pulses to produce during the on
Set the number of pulses to skip during the off cycle.
-within the Rate menu
Select the system oscilator or the external clock in fre-
Set desired Period.
Channel Timer Overview
The output of each channel is controlled by two timers to generate the delay
timing and the pulsewidth. All channels are simultaneously triggered, depending
on the system mode, by either the internal T
pulse, the external trigger, or a
trigger provided by a cpu. A given channel may or may not generate a pulse
depending on its own channel mode as described below.
When one channel is generating a continuous stream of pulses, a user can
trigger a single shot or burst of pulses on another channel without interrupting the
continuous stream by pressing FUNC and RUN/STOP .
To Use Channel Normal Mode Function
The Normal mode generates a continuous stream of pulses at a rate determined
by the system timer:
- within the Channel menus
Select Enable to enable channel output.
Set the desired delay.