9530 External Clock Operation
The 9530 pulse generator has a special external clock circuit that allows for
external clock synchronization when using clock sources that have very narrow
pulse widths and amplitudes.
*These specifications are preliminary and subject to change
Using the external clock function:
Enter the clock surce menu by pressing the menu button until the System
Mode page is reached and then press the page button until the clock source
page is reached.
Select the ource to External Osc.
Adjust the threshold level appropriate for the amplitude of the external clock
Adjust the rate to match the frequency of the external clock source.
A ? will appear fi the system does not lock onto the external clock source.
Possible causes are:
- Threshold level not adjusted correctly.
- External clock source not present.
- External clock has excessive jitter.
- Amplitude of external clock is changing.
P a ra m e te r
M inim um
M a xim um
P ulse W id th
1 0 0 p s
P ulse A m p litud e
5 0 m V
1 V P e a k
F re q ue ncy
1 0 M Hz
1 0 0 M Hz
Inse rtio n D e la y
1 0 ns
Figure 1