Quantum DXi-Series Command Line Interface (CLI) Guide
6-67081-05 Rev B
April 2012
Replication CLI Commands
Deleting the Replicated
VTL Failback Jobs on
the Target
syscli --del vtlfailbackjob -repname <VTL_name> --tgthost
<target_hostname> --id <ID_of_the_failback_job>
This CLI command allows the CLI admin to delete a replicated VTL failback job.
The replicated VTL name, target host name and the ID can be retrieved from the
list VTL Failback jobs.
Deleting the Replicated
NAS Failback Job on the
syscli --del nasfailbackjob --repname <NAS_share_name> --tgthost
<target_hostname> --id <ID_of_the_failback_job>
This CLI command allows the admin user to delete a replicated NAS share
failback job. The replicated NAS share name, target host name and the ID can be
retrieved from the list NAS Failback jobs.
Aborting the Replicated
VTL Failback Jobs on
the Target
syscli --abort vtlfailbackjob -repname <VTL_name> --tgthost
<target_hostname> --id <ID_of_the_failback_job>
This CLI command allows the CLI admin to abort a current running replicated
VTL failback job. The replicated VTL name, target host name and the ID can be
retrieved from the list VTL Failback jobs.
Aborting the Replicated
NAS Failback Job on the
syscli --abort nasfailbackjob --repname <NAS_share_name> --tgthost
<target_hostname> --id <ID_of_the_failback_job>
This CLI command allows the admin user to abort a current running replicated
NAS share failback job. The replicated NAS share name, target host name and
the ID can be retrieved from the list NAS Failback jobs.
Enabling the VTL
Cartridge Based
Replication on the
syscli --enable cartrep --name <VTL_name> [--syncid <sync_id>] [--locked]
This CLI allows the admin user to enable cartridge based replication for the
specified VTL on the target. If the sync ID is not specified, the VTL name is used
as the default sync ID.
Enabling NAS File/
Directory Based
Replication on the
syscli --enable filedirrep --name <NAS_share_name> [--syncid <sync_id>]
This CLI command allows the admin user to enable file or directory based
replication on the target. If the sync ID is not specified, the share name is used
as the default sync ID.
Disabling VTL Cartridge
Based Replication on
the Target
syscli --disable cartrep --name <VTL_name>
This CLI allows the admin user to disable cartridge based replication for the
specified VTL on the target.